Providing they have been well-trained, are matched with your target market and have been effectively orientated to your brand, promo girls can make all the difference between a disappointing exhibition experience and an exceptional one.

Here are some of the benefits of hiring promo girls:

Attract a broader consumer base

Exhibitions give businesses a chance to reach a broader consumer base than they would normally have access to. But so many businesses fall into the trap of thinking that booking your stand is enough to raise your profile.

Promo girls maximise the effectiveness of your exhibition presence by commanding attention and then using sophisticated communication techniques to pull in as many visitors as possible. The more visitors that interact with your stand, the more likely it is that you will secure valuable business or even kick off successful business ventures.

Extend your team

The best promo girls are not just there to look pretty in front of a camera (although they usually do). They are also a virtual extension to your sales team. As long as you brief them well, ensuring they have the answers to the most commonly asked questions about your products or services, you can let them mingle freely with visitors and trust them to break the ice with potential customers. A competent promo girl will know when it’s time to refer the prospect back to you or your employees for more information or to close a sale.

Enhance your brand

Promo girls can enhance your brand message providing you carefully select the girls and brief them well. Whether you want to come across as exciting and sexy, suave and sophisticated or young and trendy, a suitably attired promo girl can demonstrate those values in physical form. Not only will visitors to the exhibition come away with a strong and accurate idea of what you are all about, you will also be able to take photographs for your promotional literature that will send out the same message for many years to come.

Maximise ROI

Exhibition stands are expensive and every member of staff (including yourself) that attends has a cost attached. If you have to travel a large distance to the exhibition venue there are also fuel or public transport costs to cover. Professional promo girls can ensure that you maximise your impact during the exhibition and actually make the whole experience worthwhile. Promo girls can not only increase sales at the event itself, they can make introductions that lead to future sales and raise the profile of your brand – a less quantifiable but nevertheless powerful benefit to your business.