One World Whey is the world’s best whey protein concentrate. The unique qualities of this product begin the milk of pasture-fed cows that were specifically selected for the prevalence of large, globular protein molecules in their milk. The manufacturer searched the country and measured the protein profile and milk produced by cows to determine the ideal raw milk from which to derive the perfect whey protein.
The outstanding quality of the raw milk is maintained in the whey protein product because the milk is pasteurized without using the ultra-high temperatures employed in industrial milk production. While those ultra-high temperature methods can quickly pasteurize vast quantities of milk, they destroy the bonds of the amino acids and proteins in the milk by boiling the milk. One World Whey protein is pasteurized below the boiling point of water (about 73 degrees Celsius) and, thereby, maintains the maximum amount of undenatured proteins from the raw milk.
The whey component of this low-temperature pasteurized milk is then extracted without the use of acids or enyzmes (like in many low quality, cheap whey proteins), further maintaining the quality of the undenatured proteins and amino acids in raw milk. Although the process by which this is accomplished is a patented, proprietary secret, it is a safe assumption that the process involves centrifugal separation. This method causes the milk to separate into whey, casein, and cream through the use of kinetic force and, more importantly, without additional of chemical additives.
The final step in the production of One World Whey that is unique is the drying of the extracted whey into whey protein powder. Many popular brands of whey proteins use extreme heat to quickly dry their whey into powder, however, this denatures the proteins (in the same way that extreme heat in the pasteurization step affects the proteins). One World Whey uses a process which takes advantage of evaporation through the increase of the material’s surface areas through kinetic methods (i.e. tumbling) using only moderate heat. Although this method takes much longer than using extreme heat, it results in a dry whey protein powder that retain as much of the vitality of the non-denatured proteins contained in raw milk.
For these reasons, and more, One World Whey is currently the greatest pure whey protein concentrate on the market. The protein powder has the most bioactive amino acids and other compounds per serving than any comparable whey protein in the world. Try One World Whey today!